Mercy’s Musings

Welcome to Mercy’s Musings. Opinions, random thoughts and occasional mishegas expressed by novelist and Hollywood studio veteran and entertainment writer, Melissa J. L. Smith.

So, what’s up with the two middle initials?

“There were twelve Melissa Smiths at The Walt Disney Company. We were getting each other’s mail and phone calls, so we found ways to differentiate ourselves,” Melissa explains. “Some changed the spelling of their names. I used my two initials and it just stuck. There are over 25 Melissa Smiths on IMDb, so the two middle initials are helpful.”

A complete list of Melissa’s credits can be found at or by searching IMDb for Melissa Smith XXV or Melissa J. L. Smith, or click on the button button below.

Bogie knows that if he stands between Mom and the television, he’s likely to get her attention quicker.

Bette, well-aware of the “no cats on the counter” rule, does “turkey surveillance” while hiding in a box.

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